Alfred Fournier grew up in Royal Oak, Michigan. He’s an entomologist and an enthusiastic volunteer in the literary community of greater Phoenix. He coordinates poetry workshops for a local nonprofit organization, dedicated to the healing power of writing and sharing your work. He lives in the Ahwatukee Foothills with his remarkable wife and daughter, and two strutting male cats, drunk on love.

His poems have appeared in The Indianapolis Review, Hole in the Head Review, Welter, Amethyst Review, Third Wednesday, Cagibi, The New Verse News, The American Journal of Poetry, and elsewhere. In 2022, he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the editors of Gyroscope Review. His flash and creative nonfiction have been featured in Delmarva Review, Lunch Ticket, New Flash Fiction Review, Drunk Monkeys, Quibble, The Perch Magazine and elsewhere. His first poetry collection, "A Summons on the Wind," is available from Kelsay Books.

Photo by K. Murray, Crystal Cove State Park, CA